How to Start a Lash Business: 10 Tips to Get Started

Are you a passionate eyelash extension junkie? You can’t seem to have enough? You have tried different lash styles, and you are passionate about helping others on their Lash journey? 

Well, if this is you, then I have some news for you in this article. You can transform your passion for eyelashes into a professional skill and business, yes. For an industry where the expected revenue should hit about 1.6 billion dollars in 2025, according to Grand View Research, Inc., I’d say you have a good shot at a profit.

As more people are embracing the eyelash extension trend, and getting lashified!, there is much room for a Lash business to thrive in the Lash Industry. With some useful information in this article, you’d know almost all you need to know to start up a Lash Business, and how to go about starting your Lash business. 

Introduction to Eyelash Business

Eyelash Business

The Eyelash business is a set-up space that attends to various lash procedures, and treatments. It can be solely fixated on Lashes or other related treatments as well. In a Lash Business, a Lash Technician or Artist carries out these procedures and techniques with great skill.

Another easy way to see your Lash Business is to see it as A Lash Spa. Yes, your regular Spa, only that the Lash Spa is more focused on serving your client’s lash needs.

Also similarly to other kinds of business, the eyelash business requires marketing products, services, customer care and various business undertakings to be effective. A Lash business will thrive all depending first on your drive and other factors. These are a list of factors to consider when starting A Lash Business.

Certifications and Training

Lash Technicians are trained personnel that carry out different Lash procedures. And before starting a Lash business the first discussions should be about Certification. Are you already trained or you would be hiring a trained technician who would work with you? 

It is necessary to work with certified artists, as the growth of your business depends on it.

 If your passion for lashing is over the top, you can go ahead and find credible institutions that give certified training, and get enrolled in one. Or better still, if you are ready to start, and can’t wait till you are done with training, hire a certified lash technician. Then enroll to be trained to acquire your certification.

Once you get certified, you’d have two certified artists. That’s a plus for your Lash business! Do take note that every state and country has its requirements, so be sure and research the essential certification in your region.

Cost Implications

You do need to evaluate the cost of going into a Lash business. I have mentioned earlier seeing your Lash business as A Spa. This would mean you must factor in:

  • Cost of Renting a Place

 Choosing a good location is very important to assess clients. More urban areas would mean more opportunities and clients for your lash business. As you would also notice that Lash Technicians in bigger cities charge higher than Lash artists in more remote places. And renting apartments or office spaces in more urban areas is more expensive than in more remote places.

  • Purchasing Equipment

 Lash procedures both permanent and semi-permanent cosmetic procedures, all come with essential equipment and tools to effectively carry them out. To have an idea of the costs, you can do online shopping to take down the cost inventory of getting the needed tools for your business.

  • Lash Spa Set-Up

Equipment set-up isn’t the only set-up that’s needed to get your Lash Business up and running. Your Lash spa looks like a regular spa, and as such would need the decor to give that soothing effect. You want your business to present a welcoming warmth that your clients get addicted to. You don’t have to go deep into your pockets to get this sorted out. Using wallpapers, paint colors, and flowers can give you that warmth you desire. 

  • Cost of Hiring 

While starting, depending on your investment capacity, you need to consider the cost implications of hiring other personnel. You may consider hiring cleaners as your Lash Spa needs to be tidy always, or you can do it yourself if you are up to the task.

  • Cost of Running Operations

Once your spa is all set up. There is the day-to-day running of the lash spa should be accounted for. It is always good to set aside some money for these purposes as you wouldn’t want to be stranded.

  • Cost of Certifications and Training

Certification and Training cost a lot. Search out your Certified Training Institution and note the coat of their training and time duration also. This part of costing can weigh heavy on your pocket but it is worth it in the long run.

Don’t try to cut corners with your training as all your products and services would portray lapses here and there. And at the end of the day, you lose customers which also translates to losing money. Invest well in your certification and training.

  • Cost of Advertising or Branding

Your Lash Business needs to be well represented before the general public and that’s where branding and advertising come to play. Your services should be easy to find on social media platforms as it helps with showcasing what you do to prospective clients.

You may need to have a social media manager if you aren’t too conversant with uploading pictures of your works with captivating content. But to cut down on cost you can upload your work as you get them done by opening social media accounts.

Your Lash Business is like any other kind of business, as the usual business modus operandi will apply to it. For your Lash business to be fully operational, you must verify the cost implications of setting it up and running it.

Choosing A Business Name for Your Lash Business

Let’s get to the exciting part! And that is? What would you like to name your business? This usually is one of your best experiences when planning to set up your Lash Spa. I’m sure right now, there are like a thousand and one names popping in your mind. Use these tips to help you find an ideal name. 

Business names can be personal: your business or Lash name can carry an abbreviated version of your name with a description of something related to Lashes

  • Business Names Can Tell A Story
  • Business names can be the merge of one or more Lash-related words.
  • Business names that are available online for your social media pages and website

It is all up to you, but most importantly make sure you run your selected name through Search engines to be sure it’s still available for use. You can browse name search engines to get name inspirations too. Once you have chosen your preferred Lash name, you need to do a Logo that depicts your Lash Business purpose and interests.

 Understand Your Target Audience

Every business has a target audience, so understanding your target audience helps you relate your products and services better to them. You can map out the age group, and when advertising use content that better passes the message of your service. Finding such a target audience can be easy using online marketing tools as well, for this you may need to employ professional service. 

View The Market For Competitors

When starting your own Lash business, you should know the competitors in your business field. Knowing your competitors isn’t so you are intimidated out of business, but rather for you to know what you are up against. Competitors mean you would be sharing similar clients. You can have additional services that pull the attention of more clients or give little price slashes to encourage new customers. 

Your Business Products and Services Must Be Very Clear

Before you open for business, your business products and services should be clear and well understood. What kind of lash services would you be offering? Are you adding other related cosmetic procedures? Those are some of the very important questions you should answer before starting. 

 Create A Price List

You may somewhat feel stuck here. Many startups usually experience difficulty putting a price on their products and services. You would need to play caution here, so you don’t overprice your products and chase away all your clients. And neither should you underprice so you can make enough profit to remain in business and possibly expand later on.  To create a price list that favors both your clients and your business there is a lot to put into account.

  • Cost Implications
  • Time taken
  • Skill required

Also, find out the prices of similar services with other Lash vendors.

Plan To Have A Business Inventory

Keeping important details about your clients can help you in no small way. A Business inventory has records of your clients and the services they take. This can help a lot when making operative corrections and adjustments to your business, as you would have solid data for proof. Also, the business inventory keeps a tab on possible complaints from your clients and dealing with discomforts. Business Inventory brings a professional touch to your business.

Book Keeping Is A Must

Maths may not have been your best subject, but you must make bookkeeping and accounts your friend, if your business must advance. Keep detailed records of spending and income flow. Financial accounts help you weigh the success of your business in monetary terms. You can evaluate how far you’ve come, and make bigger plans with your financial records. Any intentions of seeking out loans or financial assistance in the future? then this would be so helpful.

 Other Business Tips 

A lot of excitement when starting your lash business as you have so many expectations. But we all know it takes time for things to be fully implemented. And as time goes onthere is the tendency to lose your energy and doubt if your business is growing. When you get to this point, we do have some useful tips to get your passion back.

  • While you get more popular for your services, make sure you keep updating your practices and services.
  • Keep your Lash Spa clean and always neat.
  • Your business environment should always put hygiene into priority, as no one revisits a disorganized place.
  •  Find out what’s trending, and find a way to incorporate it into your business without compromising your standard.
  • Get constant feedback from your clients, it’s a good way to know what you are not doing right and what you are doing right.
  • Be quick to make adjustments where needed and don’t get stuck to stereotypes.
  • Update your Online media platforms consistently, and stay up to date.
  • Research other competitive Lash Vendors and learn a thing or two from them.

Lastly and most importantly, take your time and allow your business to grow. They say, Rome was not built in a day, nor will your Lash business be built in a single day. Most enviable Beauty businesses we so admire today have survived decades, give yours time.

I sure do hope this post is of great benefit to you and your new start-up! Wishing you all the best!

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