Do Lash Extensions Ruin Your Eyelashes? Facts & Myths

The reason many refrain from some cosmetic applications is the underlying risk of such beauty applications. As much as many have embraced semi-permanent beauty applications such as eyelash extensions, there are many more who have refrained from using such cosmetic applications due to underlying risks involved.

One of such frequently asked questions is about possible damage to eyelashes using lash extensions. You may have met a friend who had a terrible ordeal with her last lash application and all you hear is how ruined her lashes are. And possibly also you have heard others talk so colorful about lash extensions like they are the next best thing after sliced bread, and you are confused. This article would give you sufficient details about the possible damage lash extensions can have on your lashes and how they can be avoided. I assure you, that this article is for the health of your lashes. 

Are Lash Extensions Bad?

First and foremost, let’s clear this for those who have branded this cosmetic application to be a complete No-No. Lash extensions are semi-permanent cosmetic applications that greatly enhance the look of one’s lashes by gluing lash extensions to the lash hair one by one. To know more about lash extensions you can read about them in a previous article: What Are Lash Extensions?

Lash Extensions in themselves cause no harm to your lashes, it all depends on these:

Common Lash Extension Mistakes

  •  How it is fixed 
  • Who fixed It
  • What materials were used to fix it
  • How it is removed
  • How Often It is fixed.

Every risk attached to using lash extensions can all be grouped into any of the above. To know the possible risks attached to using lash extensions we would view the risks involved concerning each point made above.

How Is It Fixed?

This is one major common mistake made by lash artists that have caused many clients to have experienced bad eyelashes. How your lash extensions are fixed will determine if your lashes would be ruined or not. 

Lash extensions are attached to single lash hairs and not to clusters of lashes.

This is the proper order of attaching lash extensions, as it allows for the lash hairs to grow without being stuck together. Each natural lash is not on the same growth cycle and grows at a different pace. Hence, they must be properly isolated and attached individually.

Lash extensions are never fixed on the Skin.

Gluing a lash extension with a lash hair and the skin would cause irritation, discomfort, and even – Loss of Lashes! A lash glued to the skin is likely to shed prematurely.

Using Too Much Glue

Excessive use of glue has caused more lashes to be stuck together and blocked the hair follicles preventing growth to take place. When the lash cannot grow, it weakens and sheds off. Lash extensions are fixed with a minimal amount of glue just enough to attach the lash extension to the lash. The more the glue is used, the more it is likely to clump together and glue other lashes.

What Materials Were Used To Fix It?

Lash Extensions are so available for purchase that you can walk into any beauty store and get one or just order online. Choosing the right materials for your lash extensions is very crucial, and missing this could mean your beautiful flutters would pay dearly for it. Check and verify your lash extensions, and know what kind of material it is made of. 

One key material to note is your Lash Glue. Use credible semi-permanent glues. Some lash artists have mixed two different lash types of glue and this can create a very strong glue that would take so much time to get off. Here, I speak from experience! I suffered a terrible lash loss recently due to this costly mistake. There are certified lash glues in the market suitable for lash extensions. One tip I can give you from experience in the past: when the lash artist says: Don’t worry your lashes would stay on so they won’t come off- please run! I mean it. Bad lash glue choices can cause your eyes to sting, burn and itch. Make your research well and save your lashes.

In Choosing The right lash extension for yourself or a client, there are many factors to consider:

The Client’s Lash length

Lash extensions are not to be above 2-3mm longer than natural lashes. Using very long lashes can lead to undue pressure on your lashes that would lead to premature shedding.

The Client’s Lash Thickness

Many lashes have fallen on this street! Always view your client’s lash length and thickness also. All lashes are not the same! Some clients can walk into your Beauty Salon with thick and long lashes and while some others can walk in with thinner and sparse-looking lash. You must never use the same lash thickness for each client. As A Lash Artist, you must know that some descents are more prone to having sparse, thin lashes while others with thicker and fuller lashes. Treat individually and customize their lash look differently.

The thicker the lash extension, the more it puts more pressure on your lashes and they may snap or shed prematurely. If you can avoid this common mistake, you will have your lashes intact and healthy.

Viewing a Client’s Lash Length and Thickness determines the Lash Strength. The lash strength is the ability of the lash strand to hold up a lash extension.

Who Fixed It?

Many are guilty of falling prey to untrained lash artists and this is because we rushed into a beauty salon without making proper findings. Your choice of a Lash Artist is a great determining factor in the health of your lashes. Most of the mistakes I mentioned earlier can be avoided by a Professional Lash Artist. They have been trained to know how to fix a lash extension. In all your quest for great lash extensions, Get A Professional Lash Artist! They are more expensive, but you get your money’s worth and your lashes healthy. I would also add that you view their previous jobs and reviews.

After-Care Handling and Removal

Knowing how to care for your lash extensions is important if you must protect your lashes from damage. Your lash stylist could have done a great job on your lashes but you keep doing these mistakes that can ruin your lashes:

Lash extensions are never to be tugged at, else you risk pulling out your lashes with that force.

Avoid itching or rubbing your eyes

Avoid staying directly under a heavy shower downpour. The force from the running water could weigh down your extensions and consequently break your lashes.

When it is time to take your lashes off, avoid doing this yourself except you are well experienced. It is best to go back to the Salon to have them taken off correctly. Taking off your lash extensions yourself is a major cause of lash loss as many are inexperienced in it. To avoid teary tales of damaged lashes, visit your professional lash artist.

How Often Are Your Lash Extension Fixes?

It is common to come across a lash enthusiast who wants to know if they are to necessarily rest their lashes in-between applications. And if you are wondering the same, the answer is-

Allowing your lashes time to rest in between applications is needed to retain healthy lashes. Consistent fixing, removing, fixing, and removing again of lash extensions can take its toll on your lashes. Give your beauties the time to rest and regain their natural strength and form back.

What Can You Do For Your Damaged Lashes?

Just in case you have already found yourself in those mistakes, and are currently dealing with damaged lashes and desire to grow longer and fuller lashes? Follow these few steps to regain your lashes:

Let them be for a pretty long while.

Your lashes have a growth cycle of about 6-8weeeks. Skip Lash extensions and allow them to regain their strength and length with time.

You can apply lash growth serums

There are specially formulated oils and serums to strengthen and thicken your lashes. Many of these would nourish and revitalize your hair follicles stimulating growth. Invest in a good lash growth serum and watch them grow and thicken. Say goodbye to sparse lashes with lash serums.

Make Use Of Supplements

To see better and faster results, add supplements that would nourish you inside-out. Supplements like Biotin, and Omega Fatty Acid can set your body on course to better hair growth, including your lash hairs also. Invest in good brands and reap the many benefits.

Watch Your Diet

Hair growth is a function of diet also! Eat well and avoid living on junk food as you rob yourself of the much-needed nutrition from these foods. Fruits, Veggies, Nuts, and Whole Grains should be in your diet.

It is clear from this article, that eyelash extensions in themselves cannot ruin your lashes. It is subject to many factors which I have already highlighted. If you can avoid those mistakes, you would have prevented your lashes from ruining them. And all hope isn’t lost if you just suffered lash loss, you can begin nurturing your lashes back to health. With the right tips and time, your lashes would be nursed back to health. Good luck with your flutters!

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