Open Eyelash vs Doll Eyelash: What’s the Difference?

In choosing the most suiting eyelash extension, you may find you are torn between choices- which lash style to use and which to skip. A Lash extension quest can leave a newbie dazed with confusion, and you would need a guide to make a good lash choice.

Open Eyelash Vs Doll Eyelash Style

We have lash artists to thank for the different Eyelash styles that would flatter your eyes.
You probably have heard so much about Open eyelashes and Doll eyelashes, and you don’t know which of them you should choose. In this article, you will get all the necessary details about these two types of lash extensions and how to use them to suit client’s eye shape.

What is Open Eyelash

Openeye wispy hybrid lashes
Openeye wispy hybrid by ak_lash_lounge

An Open eyelash is a lash style that creates a wider, more open eye look. The Open eyelash style has a unique mapping style that places the longest lash in the mid-section of the eyelid.

Lash extensions are applied using the shortest lengths in the inner corners and gradually increasing the lash length till the midsection and decreasing the lash length in the same manner to the outer edge. An Open eyelash extension has a longer and denser-looking middle with the lashes tapering to the edges.

What is Doll Eyelash?

Doll Lashes
Doll Lashes by lights_precious_lashes

A Doll Eyelash is an eyelash extension style similar to the Open Eyelash. It has almost close lengths across the lash line, with the longest lash in the middle and center of the eyelid. The Doll Eyelash is also another eyelash known to create fuller, bigger-looking eyes.

You start with slightly shorter lengths at the inner corners, and graduate to the longest lash in the middle and follow with close lengths to the outer edge of the lid. Barbie looks just got easier with the Doll Eyelash.

Open Eyelash vs Doll Eyelash – Similarities

Lash extension Styles are different in the general outlook at the end of the application. But these two lash extension styles are known to create Open and Wide Eyed Looks. One thing to note is that these lash styles both have the long lashes concentrated at the mid-section, giving a wide-eyed and open eye look.

It is worthy to note that, generally with Eyelash Extensions, the placement of the longest lash usually defines the lash style application. It is not strange to see many lash stylists address them as the same lash style because it might seem so similar that there appears to be no difference.
So you want to know if they are different, and what that difference is?

What Makes The Open Eyelash Different From The Doll Eyelash?

Once again, we are confronted with two lash styles’ close semblance- The Open and Doll Eyelash. The difference between these two lash styles is the concentration of the longest lash in the middle and the length of the lashes at the outer edge.

The Open Eyelash Look Guide

The long lashes at the middle are denser-looking with more volume and appear to create some depth and open eye look with a more tapered end at both edges. The tapered ends are created by declining lash length.

The Doll Eyelash Look Guide

The longest lashes are placed in the center like with the Open Eyelash but with no denser effect in the center of the eyelid. The volume of the extensions is spread throughout the lash line, creating a fuller, uniform look.

Another difference between the Open Eyelash and Doll Eyelash is the lashes at the inner corners and outer corners. The Doll Eyelash has a close resemblance to the Natural Eyelash Lash. They are both spread across the lash line with extensions of very close or the same length.

The major difference between the Doll Eyelash and Natural Eyelash would be the placement of the longest lash in the mi-section for the DOLL eyelash. And also, the Natural Lash uses lashes of the same length.

The Open Eyelash has a little more disparity in lash length than the Doll eyelash extension. Closer lash lengths are used in the Doll Eyelash to create a fuller-looking lash.

Which Should I Choose? Open Eyelash or Doll Eyelash?

Which of these lash extensions should you use? Which of them best suits your eye shape? I bet you want to know!

Choosing your perfect lash extensions is dependent on several reasons. Choosing the perfect lash style is more tasking than it appears. And if you are looking at choosing between the Open Eyelash and Doll Eyelash this is your perfect guide:

Open Eyelash offers you a more wide-eyed look than the Doll Eyelash as it has more density of longer lashes in the mid-section that opens up the eyes. The density of the lengthier lashes in the mid-section makes the center of the eyes very prominent, and it is an excellent option for flattering the color of your eyes or new contact lenses.

The Doll Eyelash gives the doll-like lash look more than the Open Eyelash. Creating Barbie looks for your special occasions or events is best nailed with The Doll Eyelash. This Lash Style has lashes of similar lengths spread across the lash line, creating a glamorous lash look.

Eye Shape Implication on Open and Doll Eyelashes

Every good lash artist chooses a lash style that flatters your eye shape. You should run whenever your eye shape isn’t put into consideration, as you would likely end up dissatisfied with the lash service.

With the Open Eyelash, the eye shapes that are flattered by this lash style are:

Hooded Eyes

The Hooded eye is an eye shape with extra skin around the lid, it is sometimes called a hood. The eyes many times seem to hide under the hood. To flatter this eye shape, both the Open Eyelash and Doll Eyelash would work fine.

Observe your client’s eyes to mark places that need lifting. But for this eye shape, the Open Eyelash with the denser center will create some lifting and a more open eye look than the Doll Eyelash. But if the hood weighs on the outer corner of the eyes, then a Doll eyelash with a curlier lash at the edges would do just great.

Almond Eyes

Almond eyes is a typical eye shape that can rock and roll with many lash styles. The Almond Eyes can achieve a more open eye with the Open eyelash, especially if you desire to make the eyes appear wider. This eye shape has more length than width, and as such, an Open Eyelash will give a bigger-looking eyes.
The Doll Eyelash is another excellent option for almond eyes. This lash style would define the lash line with lengthier-looking lashes that give a doll-like look. The Doll Eyelash is the perfect choice to rock for that special occasion.

Deep Set Eyes

So you have deep-set eyes, and you want a lash style that would further bring out your eyes. When Styling this eye shape in general, use slightly longer lashes than you would use for someone with protruding eyes.

Styling this eye shape with an Open eyelash brings out the eyes, and showcases them to the world. This eyelash style isn’t for someone with protruding eyes as your eyes are already conspicuous, they need not be further open.

Doll Eyelash

When styling the Doll eyelash for a deep-set eye, using a lash curl like the C Curl will work great for this eye shape. The full glare of the Doll Eyelash flatters the deep-set look of this eye shape.

Wide-Set Eyes

The wide-set eyes have the eyes looking farther apart from each other. The illusion created with this eye shape is a lash style to draw the eyes closer to each other. Both Doll eyes and Open Eyes would look great. But for better closer effect, the Open Eyelash would be an excellent choice.

The Open Eyelash has more tapered-looking ends than the Doll Lash, and the tapered end at the outer corner of the eyes would further shorten the lengthening of the eyes. The other advantage of the Open Eyelash for this particular eye shape is the more defined middle lash.

So when looking at the eyes, the denser-looking center appears to be the gauge of the eye length with little attention to the edges.

Monolid Eyes

This eye shape has no defined crease and many times could have an overlapping lid that weighs down on the lashes. Most of the lashes hide under the weight of the eyelid. Most Asians are monolids, and this comes with different variations. In styling this unique eye shape, it is crucial to style with a curlier lash. The Doll Eyelash would work best with this eye shape and create an open, lifted eye look.

Choosing a perfect lash style requires you have the skill to customize the eyelashes to suit each client. It’s easy to get stuck choosing between the Open Eyelash and the Doll Eyelash, and we have simplified it for you. You can make an excellent choice based on your client’s eye shape with the information garnered from this article.

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